Monday, May 31, 2010

Unforeseen Circumstances

So this is the end of the Memorial Day Work Camp - that wasn't. Why? Well, these pictures were taken last weekend, and since then there has been a few more inches of snow fallen:

As you can see, there is an extraordinary amount of snow on the ground. The only way to even get into camp was either by hiking, skiing or snow-mobiling in since at some areas there was 6' of snow on the road. Dan Worthington has been up there this weekend scooping out the road with a bobcat (thank you Dan!) trying to get us a path in. There is a crew up at camp getting all the utilities going again and to do an assessment of exactly needs to be done.

And we really need to get in to get some major repairs done. Winter time in an alpine area can tax even the stoutest of buildings, but winter time also brings a new threat: Hungry Bears. We had one particular bear break into the kitchen area just before winter came and made a mess in the front of the dining hall. The carpet needs to be replaced (we want to replace it with vinyl tiles to ease in clean up) as well as some cabinets that need to be repaired.

But he wasn't done yet. Oh, not by a long shot. After the hibernation period was done, he (she?) was hungry so decided to break in to the staff area by the kitchen. He tore a hole in the wall (where the fan *used* to be), knocked over one of the freezers, got into the kitchen, the walk-in refer and the dry goods area. The result? Well....

(We have been in communication with the Forrest Service on what needs to be done with this bear.) We still don't know the condition of the freezer or any of the other myriad of repair work necessary to get the camp up to operating condition. Combined with the snow, and it's going to be a challenging year.

And to add a measure of misery to things, the Suburban's transmission has gone out. Yup, it will only go in 1st or 2nd gear. It's in the shop to get an estimate on what it will cost.

With the bear damage in the kitchen and dining hall, cabinet work and roof issues that need to be done, as well as the added burden of the Suburban's transmission, it is taxing us at a time where our funds are near their lowest. So this is where we need your help.

We don't (and won't) do this here very often, but we need your financial support to help with the repairs. We're looking at a low-ball estimate of $5,000 (before Suburban) for repair work, but that's only if we can do this with donated labor and some help in supplies. If you can help us, contact Cliff Tracy (our accountant/board member) to arrange for a donation. Check, credit card, Pay Pal, good old cash, mulah, a couple-of-Benjamins, green backs - - whatever it takes. This is a short-term need and we will keep you all posted on the condition of camp as the repairs get done.

We need your prayers, not only for the campus but for the staff that will be coming up this summer. It's a transition year and the staff will be challenged in ways that they haven't been challenged before. Please pray for Jake and Samantha as they transition into the manager's spot, as well as their baby (due in mid-late July). We have some familiar faces back on staff but also a lot of new ones. Thank you for supporting Quaker Meadow. We covet your prayers.

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